Author: Amira Farhoud


“التغيير الذي تنتظرينه يبدأُ بكِ” رسالة قوية للمرأة في يوم المرأة العالمي!

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

من بيته في بيت لحم، نتذكر الإرث العظيم للأخ أندرو

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

أولويات الزوجة والأم غدير حنا، إحدى موظفاتنا، تُقدّم رسالة قوية إلى الأمهات في يوم المرأة العالمي!

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

نساء فلسطينيات مؤثرات تحت سن الـ50!

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

كلية بيت لحم للكتاب المقدس تُشارك في مؤتمر المجلس الدولي لما عبر البحار في مصر

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

كلية بيت لحم للكتاب المقدس تستضيف تدريب معلمي التربية المسيحية في المدارس الثانوية

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

الأدلاء السياحيون: سفراء الثقافة والتاريخ

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

مشاركة طلاب كلية بيت لحم للكتاب المقدس في مؤتمر المسيح أمام الحاجز الخامس

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

خطوة نحو المعاناة: المؤتمر السنوي لطلاب كلية بيت لحم للكتاب المقدس 2018

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

تعرف على إحدى طالباتنا المميزات: سهاد لولص “لأني عرفت الأفكار التي أنا مفتكر بها عنكم”

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

4 خطوات لتعريف رؤيتكم الكبرى

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

6 طرق للقيادة خلال الفوضى

Amira FarhoudAmira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.

By Amira Farhoud | الاخبار

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