Orientation Picnic Brings Joy

Orientation Picnic Brings Joy

On September 30, 2010, Bethlehem Bible College’s faculty, staff and student body celebrated what has become an annual orientation picnic.  The picnic took place at the nearby Beit Al Liqa community center.  The event started with a chapel service that included singing and introductions.  Former student and graduate, Rev. Fadi Zoughbi, shared a message on Christian joy.  Following this were some ice breaking games, the first of which called upon the students to find the answers to a 20-question survey.  In order to do this they had to go from person to person asking questions, e.g. “Do you speak Chinese?”, “Do you have more than 4 brothers and sisters?” and “Have you read the Bible through?”  The first person to get a legitimate signature on all 20 questions won a prize.  The second game consisted of team competitions headed by faculty and staff.  Prizes were given for the best in each challenge and for the team that won the all round competition.  Teams were sparring for best dancer, person with largest ear, person with the most feminine voice, most noticeable walk and others.  The college believes in laughter and there was plenty to go around.  Following the games, everyone enjoyed an outdoor barbecue of chicken, kabob, French fries and salads.  It was a fun day and one that our students will be sure to remember.