“I Am a Pot in His Hand” by Madleine Sara

“I Am a Pot in His Hand” by Madleine Sara

The counseling and coaching ministry–“I Am a Pot in His Hand“–facilitated at Bethlehem Bible College ended another successful workshop entitled “self-awareness”.  The workshop aimed at helping the women to understand themselves and their daily communication patterns with themselves and others, in order to understand the dynamics of daily relationships with others. The session consisted of six interesting and fun meetings. During every session we dealt with a very important topic. We talked about the obstacles of communication and its causes and ways to solve them. The workshops tackled human feelings such as fear and anger and how to get rid of them. We tried touching real experiences of unhealthy relationships and worked on some ways of overcoming pain and ways of developing healthy responses. As well, the women had the experience of understanding themselves in depth through playing cards, drawing exams, and guided imagination. The women left with renewed hope to make positive changes towards developing themselves and their relationships.  Finally we have a great God who is able to give these women the wisdom to take the necessary decisions to change their lives and the community around them.

An interview with Madleine Sara regarding this ministry can be found at:

March 2013 News.

Pictures of the event