Christ at the Checkpoint 3

Christ at the Checkpoint 3

Under the title “Your Kingdom Come” over six hundred followers of Christ representing more than twenty nationalities met at the third biennial “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference in Bethlehem from the 10th to the 14th of March 2014 to pray, worship, learn and discuss together the responsibility and role of the church in helping resolve the conflict and bringing peace, justice and equality to the Holy Land through following the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God.

During the week, participants listened to and engaged with Palestinian theologians and leaders who shared their perspective on the Kingdom of God. In addition, the conference was blessed by amazing contributions from international evangelicals, Messianic leaders, as well as others.

Subjects addressed included the nature of the Kingdom, relating to Islam in the context of the changes in the Middle East, the future of the Palestinian church, nonviolence, replacement theology, Christian Zionism, forgiveness, peacemaking, and how to love our neighbor.

Participants also had the opportunity to visit the checkpoint, Jerusalem and Hebron in order to be witness to some of the realities on the ground that are a direct challenge to peacemaking in the land and which set the context for some of the theological discussions.

Workshops included theological education, speaking on behalf of the Palestinian church, the important role women can play, confronting injustice nonviolently, engaging with the Muslim world, and reconciliation.

Participants also joined in solidarity with Palestinian Christians in Beit Jala who hold a weekly prayer meeting on their land under threat of confiscation because of the route of the Separation Barrier.

Participants were invited to adopt the Checkpoint Manifesto and be challenged to urgently:

1. Take seriously the commandment of Jesus to “love your enemies.”

2. Pray for justice, peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians; Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

3. Continue to advocate for justice, peace, equality and reconciliation until there is shalom-salaam in the land.

4. Actively encourage others from the global evangelical community to come and fellowship with the local Palestinian and Israeli followers of Jesus, become aware of the current realities, and engage in creating a greater manifestation of the church and its peacemaking role in the Holy Land.

5. Develop continuous and ongoing discussion, advocacy, and/or aworking groups that promote through education, activities, and different campaigns the Christ at the Checkpoint manifesto.

6. Support the work of Bethlehem Bible College and other ministries that are involved in peace, justice, and reconciliation.