A Fond Farewell

A Fond Farewell

(Thursday 19th February 2015)

Today we said a fond farewell to Paloma, the Samba señorita who sauntered into the hearts of all the staff and students here at Bethlehem Bible College. Her first time in the region, she dove straight into life here at the college, helping out at the gift shop, teaching Portuguese classes to people from the local community and even translating the college website into Portuguese. Seriously! Check it out! http://bethbc.org/pt-br

She even had a surprising grasp of the Arabic language, despite being from the Amazon! However, she leaves us now to return to the warmer climes of Brazil, resuming a PhD in linguistics and life as normal. But we won’t forget that smile, and we hope to see her again soon. Who knows, maybe next year! I have my suspicions…