Bethlehem Bible College Begins Online Courses in Biblical Studies
On September 15, 2016 Bethlehem Bible College initiated its online program in Biblical Studies with 44 Arab students living all around the world! “We have students from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, among other countries. But they are spread out all over the world, from Gaza to Hong Kong and all the way to Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, UK USA, and Canada” comments e-Learning Coordinator, Anton Deik.
This term, students are enrolled in three courses: Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, and Church History. “It is amazing to see students engaging with the materials we prepared. Students are being active on forum discussions and are enjoying the readings we are suggesting to them,” Anton says, sharing his initial experience with the students after one week of the launch. One student living in Ramallah was impressed by the quality of the videos that allow students to meet the lecturers and have a clear explanation of the reading materials and the Biblical texts. Another student living in Hong Kong liked the academic rigor of the program, and told us that this was exactly what she was searching for.
This program is the first university-level Program in Biblical Studies offered fully online in Arabic. For Anton Deik what makes this program unique is “its academic approach combined with focus on personal transformation. The program also represents a unique opportunity for Arab believers to connect with each other and learn together from their different backgrounds and perspectives. Finally, I think it is rather special that the program comes from the Holy Land where the Word of God became flesh and where most of the Bible was written. It is our prayer and utmost desire that each student will come to a deep understanding of Scriptures that will result in lives being transformed by the Word of God. We also pray that this, in turn, will become a blessing for the Arab community worldwide.”
As students continue to dig deep into the Biblical texts and continue to interact with one another, we ask that you would pray for them and for the program leaders, Anton Deik and Daniel Bannoura, who are working hard to bring quality education to all of our students – now around the world!
Here is a short intro for the courses in Arabic: