Coronavirus … Is there a moral? By Dr. Jihan Twemeh Nazzal, Director of Administration

Coronavirus … Is there a moral? By Dr. Jihan Twemeh Nazzal, Director of Administration

Coronavirus ... Is there a moral? By Dr. Jihan Twemeh Nazzal, Director of Administration.

Once upon a time … but not too very long ago, life had another form, another taste, another color, another rhythm…

At a glance, the world has changed – the features of the universe have changed – as this dreaded intercontinental virus came to force humans to retreat into almost complete isolation. The universe has changed, and the scales have been upended. Places that used to bustle with life have turned into ghost towns. What was a source of joy yesterday has become a source of fear and terror. The world has lost its pulse and movement, but as for Mother Earth, it breathed a sigh of relief, especially in the early days of the pandemic.

People have become compelled to change the rituals of their life that they have been accustomed to over a long period of years. They have been breathing while trembling for fear of the danger that might approach them at any moment, reaping their soul or the souls of their loved ones. This heavy-hearted guest came to turn our lives upside down. So the utmost concern of many people is to sleep and be able to wake up alive, as tomorrow with this deadly virus is no longer guaranteed.

A tiny virus has left huge, uncomfortable impacts on people’s lives, thinking, and behavior. Social distancing is now seen as part of a broad approach to maintaining public health, and the amount of clamor that we have been experiencing in our lives has decreased as everyone finds themselves facing a new reality. Some people learned crisis management, and some had to adapt to a new lifestyle and behavioral patterns. In the midst of this overwhelming chaos in which we live, many questions arise:

  • Can we still look at the bright side, at the glass half full?
  • Is there a light shining at the end of the dark tunnel?
  • Is there a glimmer of hope in the horizon?

In fact, while we view the virus as a curse, let us pause a little and try to be positive and focus on the bright side, and I do not exaggerate if I say the “blessings.” Yes, blessings – can we really deny that the virus united the world? Because of globalization and huge technological developments, human beings feel that they are united together in facing a major crisis, or perhaps a common fate.

Can we ignore the great discoveries that, thanks to the virus, provided the opportunity for the world to accomplish many things, works, and tasks using video-conference platforms such as Zoom and others? This is in addition to remote work and study technologies and software, and their role in bringing about a radical change in the patterns of life, work, communication and education.

Can we turn a blind eye to the unprecedented positive effects of the global pause in reducing fuel use and thus reducing the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and greenhouse gases?

Do we lie to ourselves and deny how this crisis has mitigated the manifestations of false extravagance, social occasions and false courtesies that constituted a heavy burden on the shoulders of many families, and which caused events and holidays to lose their geniune essence and true meaning?

Should we underestimate the importance of what this new lifestyle has imposed on our behaviors and manners, causing us to become dependent on ourselves and our individual efforts instead of relying on others in many matters, which in turn has reduced unnecessary consumption and transformed us from individual consumers to productive individuals?

Can we ignore our thoughts and feelings as we used to take the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us for granted, without appreciating their value or even without paying attention or appreciating their existence, until after losing them?

We all realize that nothing remains forever … Corona will not stay forever…

Nevertheless, the world has become like a drowning man clinging to a straw, searching for various solutions, looking for a safe haven.

And recently, with the increasing frequency of infection with this dreaded virus, and the increase in the death of souls it now reaps, we must stand honest with ourselves and be certain that God alone is able to end this tragedy that has befallen humanity. Only God can assure us that we can breathe a sigh of relief. Only God can fill our hearts with the hope that makes us realize that this black cloud will definitely pass away, and that the sun will rise again. Only God can lead this ship in the midst of this raging sea; He can calm the storm and bring us to the shore of safety.

We as human beings do not know what the future is and how it will be, but we know that this future is in safe hands, in God’s hand, so why should we be afraid?!

This is a call to return to the essence of our existence … to God, to listen to Him, hear His voice, and beseech Him with souls full of certainty, and hearts beating with faith that He did not, does not, and will not leave us. We are His children, and He always puts us under the veil of His wings, under His protection, and under His parental care, doesn’t He? He is our refuge and our fortress.

Let us throw our loads and weights on Him, and He will definitely give us relief. He is the One who said, promising us:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).