Bethlehem Bible College Earns the Gold Seal of Transparency for 2023

Bethlehem Bible College Earns the Gold Seal of Transparency for 2023

Bethlehem Bible College Earns the Gold Seal

of Transparency for 2023

Bethlehem Bible College fulfills the mission God has given us with the joyful participation of friends around the world. It is truly a global endeavor of the Body of Christ. How do people find out about this good work? Mostly through YOU telling others about what God is doing!

Sometimes, however, we have to approach new foundations and individuals to request funding to carry out our work. This is the work of the Development Department – contacting potential donors, completing proposals, follow-up communication, reports, etc. People who are just learning about Bethlehem Bible College want to be sure who we actually are, what we do, and especially if we are using funds responsibly. It is to our advantage to be as transparent as possible with everything about the College so that people get an accurate picture.

To help us get the word out about the integrity of BethBC, we have partnered with Guide Star (also known as Candid), a public charity that collects, organizes, and presents information about every single IRS-registered nonprofit organization, to earn the Gold Seal of Transparency for 2023.

What can you learn about Bethlehem Bible College through Guide Star/Candid? We shared our mission, where we work, our programs, photos, and lots of information about our finances. (The Guide Star profile only reflects the finances of the US organization, because they are limited to US IRS-registered nonprofits.)

Perks of having the Gold Seal of Transparency include it being easier for donors to find us when they are looking for a place to give that is compatible with their values. They can search by keywords that describe what they are looking for. We can receive donations through Facebook fundraisers (good for you to know!). We even have a donate button right on our Guide Star profile. This puts Bethlehem Bible College more in the view of the giving public, and gives us more credibility in general.

You can see BethBC’s Guide Star profile here: And you can share this information with others, especially on social media. This is how crowdfunding projects get started!