Children’s Summer Camp July 2011
After the student graduation, the College opened up its doors to over 100 children. For two weeks, there was a hive of activity as children and adults all wearing a distinctive mauve T-shirt enjoyed a variety of activities. They were divided into four groups – faithfulness, royalty, trust and love – and the groups moved from crafts, to computer classes to drama to games. On different days special visitors came in; one day there was a comedy group in. Another day saw a puppet show. There was a family day when parents and other family members came along to join in the fun. On yet another day everyone went off to the swimming pool at Beit Jala.
Most important of all, every class had an hour of singing Christian songs and learning a daily Bible verse.
We praise God for these young lives, the next generation, and for everyone who helped make it a very special two weeks.