Faculty Retreat

Faculty Retreat

Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) and Nazareth Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) faculty members went on a retreat in the beautiful Galilee area from January 7-9, 2014. Fifty people took part in the retreat: faculty members, spouses and children spent an amazing two days enjoying fellowship.

Dr. Jack Sara led faculty members in a discussion of BBC’s capacity building, vision and future goals.

BBC teachers Pierre Tannous and Grace Zoughbi shared morning devotions. Pierre shared from John 6, about Jesus’ feeding the multitudes and how we should all set our eyes on “finishing well”,  since Jesus is our Great Teacher.  Grace shared from 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, a message entitled “Be Enlarged” and challenged everyone to  have open hearts for the year 2014.

Munther Isaac and Pastor Jack led the praise and worship sessions. Munther also shared about the upcoming Christ at the Checkpoint Conference taking place in Bethlehem 10 -14 March, 2014.

In the evenings, Pastor Andrawos Abu Ghazala preached from James 5, about God calling “farmers” into the Kingdom.  Pastor Azar Agag shared about the history of the evangelical church before 1948.

All that was shared was enriching, encouraging, rewarding and for the glory of God and the spread of His Kingdom in this part of the world and beyond.