Peace in Bethlehem
“When peace like a river attendeth my way,” so begins Horatio Spafford’s famous hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.” BBC’s chapel this week focused on peace. The themes of peace were present in both the song and in the speaker’s focus on BBC’s upcoming conference, Christ at the Checkpoint.
Chapel began with Spafford’s story of losing all he had before writing his powerful hymn. “My Grandmother died recently and we sung this hymn at her funeral,” commented Ashley Phelps. “Hearing this hymn in chapel reminded me that despite my loss I can have peace when I look to Christ.” The hymn’s lyrics state that whether in suffering, trials, joy, and even death the soul can find peace in Christ.
Peace will also be present in BBC’s Christ at the Checkpoint. Based on the Lord’s Prayer, the conference will look at the teachings of Jesus as inspiration for change and peace relating to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Today’s speaker emphasized the peacefulness of Christ’s actions, encouraging students and faculty to be involved with the conference’s exploration of bring peace to this region.
For more information about Christ at the Checkpoint or to sign up visit http://www.christatthecheckpoint.com/