The geography of the New Testament course tackles the life events of Jesus’s ministry and his different trips in and out of the holy land, including the numerous places and regions that reached Lebanon. The course will also focus on places where God revealed himself to us.
What you will learn:
- The course, we will walk the roads the Lord has taken; we will tackle those roads, bringing them alive and connecting them with their geographical, cultural and historical background.
- The course will take the trips of the disciples including those of Peter, Philip the evangelist… etc. in spreading the good news to the world. Their movements in the sea reaching the whole Mediterranean world.
- The course will cover Paul’s amazing trips to Asia Minor, Greece and his final trip to Rome.
This course includes:
- Nine hours of sessions, a total of 13 hours.
- Class recording.
- Course material.
This course will be given by:
Mr. Haytham Dieck. The Head of the Tour Guide program at Bethlehem Bible College. Haytham has BA in History, a Minor in Archaeology and MA in World Heritage Studies.
Dates and times:
Every Saturday from 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM (Jerusalem Time)
Starting from October 7, 2023, until December 2, 2023
The course cost is $150 (US Dollar) per person.
Register using the form below.
For more information, drop us an e-mail here: ct@bethbc.edu.