I am a Pot in His Hand

I am a Pot in His Hand

Once a month fifty to eighty women or more meet together for coaching and Christian counseling to create awareness of the psychological issues that women face in everyday life.

The group, known as “I am a Pot in His Hand” (Aniya Biyad Al-Fakhari) met on Wednesday, 19th February at the Bethlehem Bible College to discuss healthy relationships.  In their discussion the group covered such topics as friendship, family relationships and self worth.  They also discussed those things which harm a relationship – such as gossip, jealousy and envy – and shared examples of both good and bad relationships from childhood and family experience.

Madeleine Sara, who is the leader and convener of the group, stresses that this ministry is intentionally based on biblical foundations and that Christian counseling is employed when various topics and issues are raised.  Individual and group support is also available and workshops run concurrently with the monthly meetings.  These have also proved to be very popular.