Farewell to Ben and Susie

Farewell to Ben and Susie

The college has been blessed over the past several months by Ben and Susie’s presence in our lives. Sadly it is time to say farewell to them and bless them in their ongoing lives and ministries. With willingness and love this young couple have been managing the College’s Guest House. Their work required many early mornings, long drives to the airport, regular visits to the post office, lots of cleaning and a constant availability to serve our guests. On top of all that Ben managed to give English courses for locals and Susie managed to study a long distance counseling course. They surely are an inspiration to all of us and we are very grateful for all their hard work. While we are very sad to see them go, we are excited for what God has ahead for Ben and Susie. We know they will be a blessing where ever they go. “Insha’ Allah (Lord willing) we will see you again soon” said Ben at lunchtime as the staff honored their service and had cake in celebration of their hard work. Ben and Susie will always have a place in our hearts and we pray that we will see them again soon!