“My Hope is for Peace”

“My Hope is for Peace”

Anyone who visited Bethlehem Bible College in the past 14 years probably remembers Samar Mizher .  As our receptionist in the front office, she is often the first face that people see when they enter the college.  With her cheerful smile and humble countenance she puts all our visitors immediately at ease.

Samar is also a graduate of BBC.  A native of Beit Jala, Samer first became interested in the college when she was attending Hope Secondary School, a well-known Christian school in Beit Jala.  During her senior year,  Alex Awad (who was then a professor at BBC) spoke at her school, encouraging the students to consider attending BBC and to cultivate a vision to remain in the land as salt and light, rather than emigrating elsewhere.   And so the idea was born in Samar’s heart.

Samar, whose name in Arabic means something along the lines of having a “meaningful late-night conversation with friends” certainly lives up to her name, as she carries a sense of imparting ease and fellowship to all around her as she answers the phone, welcomes people and  groups, and assists the college in many other ways.

After graduating with a 4-year degree in Theology in 2002, Samar immediately began working at the college and has been here ever since.  Now the mother of a 2-year old son, she has been active in many local ministries, including as a leader in youth ministry.  She has also been an active participant in Musalaha, a reconciliation ministry, through which she once travelled to Norway with an Israeli Messianic believer.  During the trip, they shared together about the challenges they face in this land and asked for prayer and greater awareness of the challenges facing the people on both sides of the wall.

When asked about her hopes for the future, Samar answers without hesitation:

“My first hope in this land is for peace!”

Her personal hopes are even closer to home:

“From the time I started my studies until now, it is hard to believe that I have almost been here for twenty years.   I love it here!  BBC is like my second home and I cannot imagine my life apart from this school.  I love my job!  I hope to stay at BBC until I retire.”

We share your hopes, Samar!