Shining Bright!
Shining Bright!
It’s summer in Bethlehem! As nearly every day is sunny and quite warm, there’s no better time to share a news update about our solar panels than now!
As you may recall, this spring we launched a campaign to install solar panels on BethBC’s campus to curb the use of non-renewable energy consumption. Our goal was to begin transferring our energy source from fuel and electricity to solar power for our campus. The hope, then, was that the money saved on energy could be redirected back to our students and ministry.
As several months have passed, we are happy to announce that we have recently installed 64 solar panels on our campus! This development is exciting, and we are already seeing the impact! According to our calculations, for the next twelve months we should be receiving 33660 kilowatts per hour, which will save us around just under 80% of our usual payments on electricity bills. We’ve included a chart that shows these figures.
We are so encouraged to be taking this important step in caring for and looking after the earth that God has given to us. We desire to be good stewards of our resources and use our gifts in such a way that honors and blesses God, others and creation.
Though we are well on our way to a more sustainable future, we aren’t there just yet! We still need your prayers as we are considering to extend the project to our other buildings!
Kamila is volunteering full-time with Bethlehem Bible College in the Communications Department. In addition to her love for writing and sharing stories, her endeavors in Bethlehem and greater Palestine involve facilitating cultural immersion programs for young adults from North America to see first-hand the realities that those living here encounter. At times deemed the “eternal optimist,” Kamila holds fast to the future hope of restoration and reconciliation of all things back to God. When she’s not writing, or organizing trips, you’ll catch her training and competing with the Ultimate Palestine frisbee team.