“A Journey Towards Freedom”: New Event by ‘A Pot in His Hand’

"A Journey Towards Freedom": New Event by ‘A Pot in His Hand’
Under the title “A Journey Towards Freedom,” ‘A Pot in His Hand’ ministry set up its regular monthly event at Bethlehem Bible College in the presence of women from Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The evening was opened by the worship team led by President of BethBC Rev. Dr. Jack Sara, Selena Lolas and Mikael Sara.
The ministry team worked together to finish the preparations to the fullest: decorating, arranging, presenting and even preaching. For the first time, Riham, one of the team members, participated with a devotion related to the theme. After that, Dr. Madleine Sara spoke about the false-self in individuals: its manifestations, its causes and ways to overcome them in order to enjoy the true self, which is in the image of our Creator.
The evening included the distribution of a simple worksheet, then a balloons activity where each woman wrote on small papers about false beliefs, misconceptions or unhealthy behaviors she wanted to get rid of. They stuck the papers on the balloons, and then they all went outside and let the balloons go with joy and laughter.
At the end of the evening, a few women expressed the extent to which these evenings and this ministry in particular had been affecting their lives. One of them said:
“I started attending the events of this ministry in 2017, at a time when I was searching for the truth and the true Christian life. I was lost, and I did not know where I was going, or where I should start. These evenings have changed my way of thinking and the direction of my prayers. They have left a mark and a milestone in my life, on spiritual and social levels. This ministry has changed my life, and until today, I have never missed a meeting.”
Another woman shared: “My first participation in ‘A Pot in His Hand’ ministry events was 3 years ago. It was a very rewarding meeting. The topics presented in the evenings were wonderful, and helped the women be empowered to face life and its challenges. I think that women need meetings like these that help them recognize their true selves and their true and non-counterfeit personality. It will give them the chance to experience the freedom given to them by the Lord. This distinguished ministry addresses sensitive issues that are affecting women. As women, we have suffered many disappointments and refractions, which have led us to dislike ourselves. Through these encounters, we can face the past and we can recognize our true selves when facing life. The series of topics addressed throughout the ministry, especially during these recent months, were the reason I learned about my true self, and let go of my false self. Each meeting was forming and constructing my personality and myself in the right way. This has helped me to develop my character, know my talents, and to live in the atmosphere of joy, while putting aside all issues that have been a hindrance in my life. One of the special things that happened to me through the ministry is that the Lord opened a door for me to use my voice through the worship team at the events, and thus to be a blessing, while raising our prayers and praise to the Lord.”
Another lady added: “’A Pot in His Hand’ ministry is an event of renewal with the Lord. Every time I attend the meetings, I discover new things about my relationship and myself with the Lord. The meetings always draw my attention to practical things in my life and changes I need to make. It has been a great blessing in my life to attend these meetings.”