BethBC Graduate Completes Training in Dubai
BethBC Graduate Completes Training in Dubai
Adham Al-Araj, a graduate of our Biblical Studies program, finished the Pastoral Internship Program at the United Christian Church in Dubai (UCCD), which started in September 2019. This program equips aspiring pastors, evangelists and church leaders from the Middle East and North Africa with education, training and ministry opportunities.
On his experience during the training, Adham said:
“The pastoral training that I received at the hands of the most skilled pastors God put in my life was wonderful and fruitful. During the training period, I read more than 40 books in the English language, and I learned the basics of the Greek language to help me interpret the New Testament. I explored the systematic theology, biblical theology, interpretation of the Bible, and how to plan to write a solid sermon based on exegetical preaching. The purpose of these sermons was to interpret the text, to understand the intention of the original writer, and to explain it to the current generation, so that they can understand it and apply it to their lives today, with the hope that they will liken themselves to the image of Christ.
“There was also counseling coaching from some of the specialist pastors, who helped me build a healthy relationship with others, thus being able to guide people and help them inside and outside the church.
“I also participated in many conferences, during which I met some of the famous servants in the world and shared with them the vision and ministry of Bethlehem Bible College.”
Adham added, “From a practical point of view, the goal of the church was to qualify me and all the trainees to be pastors and missionaries for the Lord Jesus, by participating in all the activities of the church, which included the meetings of the elders, the pastors, and the members. In addition to meeting with the workers and trainees at the same church, we met with all the trainees from all of Dubai’s churches and held Bible lessons at our house, during which many people came and prayed for each other. We had to work 10 hours a day studying, working, planning, building, praying and traveling sometimes.
“By the grace of God, I was able to build a healthy relationship with the members of the Church and integrate with them, and I learned new things in my life from different cultures. The pastors and servants who stood beside me and were in constant care for my life also helped me by answering my theological and social questions.
“The pastoral training also helped me shape my life as a servant of Christ and build a stronger relationship with God. I also learned discipline in daily planning, reading the word, and praying for others.”
About the challenges he faced during the training, Adham commented:
“I faced many difficulties – among them was learning how to cook, as each person had to be responsible for his food. I also learned the discipline in arranging the house, cleaning, and washing. It was a difficult process because it takes a lot of time, in addition to the time we need to read books and engage with the Church. I also recently suffered from a knee injury while playing soccer with the Church. It was a painful challenge and I still attend physical therapy sessions until today. Not to mention, of course, the Coronavirus that afflicted the world and the problems and difficulties that resulted because of it that made us stay at our homes and stop meeting with others.”
Adham expressed his joy and gratitude for this training, which enabled him to influence more Palestinian Christians to maintain the Christian presence in the land where our Lord and Savior was born and lived.
Please keep our student, Adham, in your prayers while he is fulfilling God’s call upon his life through this training. Please also pray for us at Bethlehem Bible College, that we would send out more spiritual leaders like Adham, who are willing to serve God’s Kingdom and their societies.