Upcoming Launch of the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice

Upcoming Launch of the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice

Upcoming Launch of the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice

Despite the pandemic’s difficulties through the last year, we have been preparing a new program of peace and justice studies for Bethlehem Bible College. BethBC will soon formally launch the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice! In the meantime, we want you to know that this in-depth program will offer online courses in English that will be open to local and international students.

The Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice promotes interdisciplinary research and study of peace and justice in the context of the Palestinian experience. Based on Christian and Biblical principles, and informed by the Fatherhood of God and God’s love for all people, our goal is to assist local and international peacemakers to be a part of preventing, mitigating, and transforming conflict and establishing sustainable peace and justice in Palestine, Israel, and throughout the world.

At the heart of the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice is the Certificate Program in Peacemaking and Justice in the Palestinian context. The Certificate Program serves undergraduate, graduate, and other learners and may be taken for academic credit or as an audit. The courses are taught in English and may also be taken separately without completing the Certificate Program.

The Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice courses are open to people of all faiths who are concerned about advancing peace and justice in the world and seeking to be agents for change in their daily lives. The various programs of the BIPJ serve the Palestinian community and students and researchers from throughout the world.

Good news the first course, entitled Introduction to Peacemaking and Justice in the Palestinian Context 1, will begin September 2021.

Stay tuned for more!

Check out their website here: https://bipj.org/