Teaching, Advocating, Studying and Helping Bethlehem Bible College!
Teaching, Advocating, Studying and Helping
Bethlehem Bible College!
Our Christmas campaign is underway, telling stories of our extended family members and how they include Bethlehem Bible College as part of their lives. Today, our friend AP, tells us how she became involved in BethBC ministry, and continues to be an integral part of the team from her home in the UK:
“I first came to this Land in 1985, as a student of agriculture. (During the practical part of this course my college suggested I come to Israel to learn something of the agriculture there.) I lived on a kibbutz for eight months. Before this, I had no idea of the political situation; but during this time, I started to learn.
“I returned in 2017 with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) – a World Council of Churches programme, which was a great time of learning. I also came to know about the Bethlehem Bible College though the Church Mission Society. Drawn to be in Palestine, I came to live at the Bible College as a CMS Mission Partner in 2018 to teach English and other support. I have returned several times, spending in total about two years at the College. Over four years, teaching continued even when I was in England – through Zoom. I finally left in June this year.
“Over this time, I have increasingly appreciated the ministry of the various departments of the College, and the quality of the diverse ministry. It is a great holistic ministry. I have had particular contact with the community outreach. The English lessons I have taught have enabled me to get to know people from the wider community. I have also so much appreciated working with the Shepherd Society and media. Both have a wonderful connection with the wider community in their unconditional ministry. More recently I have been involved with the Peace Studies course – both online course and practical field study last May. The field study ran into the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference. It has been such a joy and privilege to be involved in all this. I have learned so much. I appreciate any opportunity to learn more about this Land today. Now back in UK, all I have learned and witnessed can be put to good use in advocacy.
“From the UK I will be working with a charity to generate interest in the College, and channel support from UK. I look forward to visiting Bethlehem again. In the meantime, it is great to maintain regular contact with the College.”
AP has a little bit of everything in her story – study, teaching, advocacy, hands-on help, now working with a charity to benefit Bethlehem Bible College in her home country! Her story is multi-faceted…
What will YOUR story be?