US Ambassadors Prayer Teams

US Ambassadors Prayer Teams

US Ambassadors Prayer Teams

For some time, there has been an effort to increase the awareness of and support for Bethlehem Bible College among US churches, groups and individuals.  Known as the “Ambassador Program,” this team began forming groups around the US who meet on a regular basis and commit to lift the college, its faculty, staff and students in prayer.  Some groups meet in person while others meet via Zoom or a conference call.  In some cases, this commitment has been taken by groups who already meet for other reasons.  For example, there is a church group in Northfield, MN who meet regularly and has added Bethlehem Bible College to their meeting agenda.  Another group with members from across the nation has been meeting to pray for the persecuted church for over eight years. They now pray for the college on each of their bi-monthly Zoom calls.  A number of other groups have been formed more recently and meet for the express purpose of praying for the college.

Regardless of how they got started, the common understanding with all the groups is that prayer changes things and is absolutely foundational to all that the college hopes to do.  With that in mind, groups use this newsletter along with other sources of information to focus prayers and thanksgiving on what is happening on the ground in Bethlehem and wherever the college has influence.  As we know from James 5:16, “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.”

Groups generally meet once a month for up to an hour and at times that are mutually convenient.  Specifics regarding frequency and times are determined by each team.  If you would like to become more engaged with Bethlehem Bible College and would be interested in forming a prayer group among your friends, family or church group, or if you’d like to join one that’s already underway, please reach out to the contact below.


Bethlehem Bible College Ambassadors – US