Equipping Peacemakers!
Equipping Peacemakers!
The Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice at Bethlehem Bible College is off to a strong start this academic year! Thirty-one participants from Japan, the Philippines, India, Tanzania, Palestine, Canada, and the United States gathered online to launch the fall semester course, Introduction to Peacemaking and Justice in the Palestinian Context 1.
Jack Sara, the president of Bethlehem Bible College, began the session by describing BethBC’s more than forty-year history and its desire to be an agent of peace. He said, “We want to raise peacemakers from the birthplace of the Prince of Peace. “Several students expressed that they are deeply involved with the Palestinian community but needed more insights into peacemaking in this challenging context.
Munther Isaac, the academic dean at BethBC, commented that this course is one part of our Certificate Program in Peace and Justice which includes the next semester’s online course and the two-week residential Summer Intensive in May. Munther encouraged the participates to join the Intensive in May 2024 which will dovetail with the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference.
Andrew Bush, the director of the Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice, commented, “Peace is an endangered species in the world. This course provides the opportunity to reflect deeply on peacemaking for three months. The course will be a transformative spiritual journey.”
More information about the BIPJ’s online courses is located here https://bipj.org/courses/certificate-courses/.