Special BBC Chapel Service – 2011-11-17

Special BBC Chapel Service – 2011-11-17

Our usual Thursday Student Chapel Service (which includes both the Theology School as well as the Media School students) was considerably livened up this week with special guests Pastor Charlie Sharp, and talented music leader Mounir Habib, both visiting the Bethlehem region from the U.S. and conducting revival meetings in other areas of Bethlehem over the weekend.

The praise and music team led by Egyptian expat Pastor Mounir Habib, assisted by some visitors (on drums and violin), and bolstered by our own Jack Sara (Vice President of BBC) on keyboard and Munther Isaac (Assistant Academic Dean) on guitar set the tone for the service that followed, and the outstanding message by Charlie Sharp.

Following a brief presentation of his own journey to faith (after reminding the students that he too, was once as young as they were), Mr. Sharp challenged the student body to live holy lives that truly reflected the truth of the Christian faith they professed. He reminded us that as followers of Jesus Christ, we were called upon to represent Him to the outside world, and that no believer could opt out of that representative role. Jesus completed His work on earth and passed the mantle on to the disciples, who in turn passed it on to the next generation, and on and on. Now it is our turn to live the life, to live the message, and to evangelize our world. Hence the importance of the truthfulness of our lives. Not the books we have read about Christianity, nor the number of verses we have memorized, but the actual living out of the truth of the gospel message and its emphasis on love.

Mr. Sharp invited to the front all those who were ready to recommit their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, as well as those who needed prayer to continue the journey faithfully. Many students came forward to do just that. Our prayers as a school continue for our students and our staff to be a beacon to the truth and validity of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities and in our country.