Facing Difficult Times

Facing Difficult Times

On Monday, March 3rd, Dr. Palmer Becker, D.Min, held a three hour workshop for pastors and church workers at Bethlehem Bible College entitled Facing Difficult Times.  Dr Becker is a visiting professor to the College from Canada and author of Pastoral Care and Counseling in the Middle East. This is his third round of teaching at the College and his fifth visit to the Holy Land.

His Workshop on Monday concentrated on two specific areas. The first, When Death Strikes, concentrated on the ministry of presence, the practice of active listening and the practice of assertive helping. The second topic, When there is Conflict, covered the causes of conflict, the pastor’s role in conflict and, once again, assertive helping.

Participants in the workshop were given ample opportunity in groups and in pairs to try out the things they were learning in a comfortable and non-threatening setting.

Dr Becker concludes his nine week term at the college next week and returns to his home in Kitchener, Ontario immediately after the Christ at the Checkpoint conference. He will be sadly missed by students and staff alike.