Discover Galilee: The Ministry of Jesus
Discover Galilee: The Ministry of Jesus
At Bethlehem Bible College we try to bring the Holy Land to every house around the world. So, after Discover Bethlehem and Jerusalem, we Discover Galilee on our third course of the series.
The content of this course is a bit different, as Mr. Haytham Dieck, the Tour Guide Program Coordinator and the course teacher said. “I started by answering some questions that come to our minds every time we read about Galilee in the Bible, such as: “Why was Galilee the site of Jesus’ ministry? Why was Jesus born in Nazareth? Why was Capernaum the base of Jesus’ ministry? Why was Jesus’ first miracle in Cana? Then, together with the participants, we go through Bethsaida, Magdala, Sea of Galilee, reaching to Mount Tabor and Caesarea.”
In this course, Mr. Haytham focuses on the story that happened in each location: “I focus on archeology and history but also on the deep meaning of the story and compare it with our culture today in the Holy Land and how we are a continuation of two thousand years of tradition. For example, I explain how weddings before, such as the wedding of Cana, are not that different from weddings today.”
Mr. Haytham added: “Though it’s challenging to teach online, the message touches their hearts and souls deeply.”
After six meetings, the impact of the course is incredible, the participants are using what they are learning in their ministries and teachings, and it is giving them a new vision for the places and locations they are learning about.
Mr. Haytham commented: “I’m happy with the outcome of the course; I feel that after every class, students understand our culture more and more. This specific group is thirsty for the word of God; they are eager to know and understand more how much there is harmony between the story and the location. Together, we go through the scientific research and we parallel between the stories from the Bible and archeology. For me, history and archeology don’t conflict with each other, but they complete each other in amazing harmony.”
We contacted some of the participants and asked them about their experience in the course. The answers were very positive; one of them said: “Biblical places come alive in a new way in this course. It also offered valuable help for personal Bible study or teaching as names on a map become connected with pictures, experiences and Middle Eastern culture. If you cannot physically visit the places this course covers and offers a good substitute, though it may whet your appetite so much that you feel inspired to visit! The lectures would certainly be good preparation to do so.”
Our next course will be Discover West Bank. We will learn about Jericho, Hebron, Nablus, and many more locations that are connected to Jesus Christ.
Read more about Discover Jerusalem and Discover Bethlehem courses, and stay tuned for a repeat of these courses!
Amira is the Communications Coordinator of Bethlehem Bible College. She is a committed Palestinian Christian who has a passion for writing about the intersection of faith and seeking justice for her fellow countrymen. To read more of her writings sign up for Bethlehem Bible College’s monthly newsletter.